Category Archives: Episode 1

Episode 1 part 7


The party leave their respective rooms and head down to the bar. There they are greeted by the Bartender who has for small bags of gold along with a quiver of arrows.


A small gift from the town to each of you.

As he hands each of them a bag.


Oh and for you cleric.

He removes a long staff with a golden orb at the top.


This is for you, we found it when we went through Father Dovan’s things this morning.

Laerna examines it thoughtfully.


It lights up when you tap it twice against the ground.

Laerna does and a bright glow emanates from it in all directions.

Leafwin brings his arm to his face for it is too bright for him and he is momentarily blinded, but the others look on in awe.


We would like to check on the grave yard before we go.

The Barkeeper smiles.


Gregor expected that, he’s waiting outside.


The party walks slightly up the hill as they follow the map and Gregor till they come to a large open grave.


This is where it should be.


He did find it then.

Leafwin in frustration throws the Hermet’s shovel into the hole, so hard that it stands erect in the bottom.


It’s not over then is it?

Laerna looks thoughtfully over at him.


No Gregor it’s not. It is just the beginning.




End of Episode 1! Episode 2 starts Monday 🙂

Episode 1 part 6

Leafwin stands shocked and turns towards the Master Demon. Without hesitation lets off an arrow which goes strait though the Master Demon hitting the stone in the front corner of the church, snapping.

Leafwin stands there stunned as the Master Demon lets out a small laugh and moves towards Father Doven.

Father Doven breaks the arrow stuck in his leg and stands up to face his master. He steps towards the Master Demon, which is now in the middle of the room, and kneels.


Master I have not suspected you to come this soon. I have found it.

master Demon

Good. Good you are on your way immortality, Vetna will be pleased.

Laerna looks shocked.


(To self)


The Master Demon looks back towards the party which is strewn about the church.


But there is one last thing you must do before you can be rewarded.

The Master Demon looks directly at Laerna.


Kill these pests, this is your final test. Kill them and you will receive what Vetna has promised you.

The Master Demon appears to sink into the darkness which fills the church.

Leafwin turns back to Father Dovan as the rest of the party stands up in front of him, for he was thrown the farthest back.

Ginco and Snarky rush to Father Dovan brandishing their weapons. Ginco stops ten feet away and uses his wand to cast black magic at him.

Father Dovan moves to the side to dodge the attack as Snarky keeps charging and hits him from the side with his hammer.

He goes flying to the side but manages to keep on his feet.

Leafwin shifts sideways to let off a shot that passes a hairs breath from its target.

Father Dovan dodges under Snarky’s next swing and hits him with the back side of the knife in his head. Snarky falls on his back.

Father Dovan stands over him and is about to stab down with his knife, but before he can he is blown back by Laerna’s magic.

Father Dovan falls hard on the dais steps and out of range from the party.

Leafwin runs up and jumps landing on the heavy wooden speaking podium. He looks down at the splayed Father Doven.

He aims his bow down at Father Dovan’s head, who looks up at the elf.


It is going to be a bad face day!

Leawin releases the arrow just as Father Doven rolls to the side, the arrow cutting him on the arm rather than killing him.

Father Dovan rolls to his feet. He pushes out his arms and a huge wave of force blows the entire party back and causing them to land hard on the stone floor.

Snarky is the first to recover because he is the cloest to the ground and rushes Father Dovan. He swings his hammer at at Father Dovan; he ducks under it and comes up with the knife stabbing Snarky in the chest.

Snarky falls back in slow motion as the party looks on shocked.

Father Doven steps back as Ginco rushes up to check Snarky’s vitals. Ginco looks back at Laerna with sadness in his eyes then at Father Doven with intense anger.

Father Dovan looks at the exhausted party.


Give up now and you may be spared by my master.



We want nothing to do with your master.

Father Doven laughs.


He would want nothing to do with you cleric, but if you pleaded nicely…

Laerna’s gaze sharpens as Father Dovan laughs.


Why do you glare? Would laying with me be so bad?

Leafwin doesn’t want to listen to any more. He quickly draws an arrow and releases it at Father Doven.

It hits him in the chest and he stumbles back hunched over. Father Dovan snaps his head up angerly as he pulls out the arrow, which when removed black shadow comes out of the wound.

Father Dovan throws the arrow to the ground as he charges but Ginco steps in the way bends over and with his horned head hits Father Doven in the knees causing him to flip over and land hard on his back.

Laerna stands over him as she rases her staff above her head and cries out-


I will not have sex with you!

As she strkes him over the head with her staff.

Father Dovan is dead.

Laerna staggers back off the body as the party recovers from the fight.

The Master Demon reappears above them clapping slowly.


Well done. Well done.

The Master Demon stops clapping.


You have truely shown yourselves to be a formitable force. Vetna will not like this news, but events have been set in motion. You may have defeated a preaste-

The Master Demon starts to fade away along with the dark shadow which enveloped the church.


But will you be able to fight against Vetna?

The Master Demon laughs as the last of him fades.

Loud banging on the church doors can be heard. The party turns twords them. Fear on their faces as they realize they lack the engergy for another fight.

The doors burst open as a large part of the TOWNSPEOPLE burst in. They convey the scene laying eyes finally on their dead preast.

Townsperson 1

Father Dovan! What have you done?!

The Townspeople move closer to the the party preparing to do serious boldly harm to them.

Leafwin back up and jumps on the dais aiming his bow towards the angry mob.

The Townspeople do not take kindly to the threat and once again moves towards the party.

Leafwin in a panic, shoots out the closest church window and makes to jump out of that need be.

Before things can escalate further, the Barkeeper steps out of the crowed and between the two forces.


Stooooop! Everyone calm down. Now what is going on here?

Laerna bends down and picks up the dagger with the edge of her tabard. As she lifts it the dagger devolves like sand and blows out the broken window.

Two souls appear where it was. One floats back into Snarky’s body while the other hangs in the air.


Peace, peace. Do no harm to these travelers for they have done you a great service. Father Dovan came before me last night demanding to know the final resting place of our town hero Almsforth. He torched me to no end before he snuffed out my life. His death is no loss to our village for the deeds he plans to do would bring nothing but destruction.

The Hermet’s spirit starts to fade as the barkeeper calls out to him.


Wait, did you tell him where the body was buried?


Alas even I was not strong enough to oppose Vetna.

The Hermet is gone.

Snarky awakes shakily and is assisted by Ginco, who helps him get to his feet.

The mob calms down and Leafwin hops down from the podium. He goes over to Father Dovan’s corps and sees that on the back of his hand where the knife was there is now a dark mark.

As the Townspeople recede to the street, the group goes to Father Dovan’s body in the back of the church where on his desk they find a map of the grave yard covered with red “x”‘s and one spot that is circled.

Under the bed they are shocked to find the Hermat’s shovel. As they walk out of the back room they are met by the Barkeeper.


I would be honored if you stayed at my tavern tonight.


That would be great.

Leafwin looks cautiously at the group.


I think I will be moving on from here. There is no need for me to remain.


But there is no need for you to move on either. At least stay the night we owe you that much.


The ale is on me.

Leafwin looks at Laerna and sighs.


As you wish.

Episode 1 part 5


The party sneaks up to the side of the church. Snarky tries to look in but he is too short.



I can’t see in.

Laerna straitens a bit and looks in, Leafwin and Ginco follows suit.



Leafwin are you tall enough to see in?


(Harsh whisper)

I am only two inches shorter than you!

What they see though the church’s glass windows is the front doors swing open and the Shadowy Figure sweep in.


It walks forward a few paces before it moves its arm up to dramatically take off a black magical cloak and turn back into Father Doven.



That bastard!



What’s going on I can’t see.


It’s Father Dovan.

Leafwin removes his bow from his back and proceeds to sneak around the side of the church to the front doors.


(Frustrated whisper)

What’s he doing?

She crouches down and follows behind Leafwin.

Back through the windows Ginco can see Father Dovan moving up the aisle towards the alter. He sees Leafwin silently open the door and move in behind the first set of pews crouching.

Leafwin sees Father Doven pacing back and forth down the aisle muttering to himself.


Almost done. I’m almost done, eternal life.

When Father Doven is in the middle of the church, Leafiwn slips out of his hiding spot and confronts him, bow drawn.


Almost done with what?

Laerna, from the crack in the door sees this and enters calmly, staff poised.


What are you talking about, my dear boy?


We saw you at the grave yard your ruse is up.


Fellow cleric, you don’t know what you are saying. I have been here the whole time.

Leafwin steps forward.


Footsteps don’t lie, people’s mouths do.

Father Doven looks legitimately confused.




It sounds better in Elvish; what he means is that we followed you here and saw you remove your cloak. You have disgraced your church; you are finished.

Father Dovan backs up again, almost to the dais.


So you say, but I am far from being done! My mission is too important to my master for you to stop me.

Father Doven pulls a suspicious looking dagger off of the dais and spins on the two.

Leafwin releases his arrow into Father Doven’s arm. Father Doven pulls it out, without flinching, and throws it to the side. Black shadows poor out of the wound like blood.

Laerna rushes and tackles him to the ground, pinning him on the stairs. Leavin shoots Father Doven again in his leg.

The noise attracts the other two burst in through the door and move to help. But before they can take two steps a huge gust of power slams the doors shut, knocking the pews back against the wall, and sending the party flying to the ground as well as Laerna off Father Doven.

The part is stunned as they watch the church be filled with darkness and a huge floating horned MASTER DEMON appears.

Episode 1 part 4

Cut to:

Ext. Graveyard- Night

The graveyard is actually a large, almost vertical, hill which is covered completely by grass; under which all the bodies from the town are buried.

The group begins to walk towards it.


So what, we find this guy’s shovel and then what?


We presumably find whoever murdered Dirt.


(To himself)

I feel like there’s a joke in there somewhere.

When they make it to the base of the hill they look up to see a SHADOWY FIGURE surrounded by dark shadowy evil magic. Leafwin sees it first and puts out his arm to stop the group in their tracks.



Stop. Look up there.

As they look up the hill, Leafwin starts seeking up the incline in order to get a closer look.


(Harsh whisper)

Hey what are you doing?!

Leafwin turns around and puts his finger to his lips. Ginco starts to move after him but he puts his hand up to stop him. Leafwin moves silently up about three fourths of the way up the hill.

Now he can see that the Shadowy Figure appears to be bending over and appears to be doing something to the ground.

At the bottom of the hill, Laerna senses something wrong, that she can’t explain other than it is a gut feeling.


(Whispering to the other two)

Lets go, something’s up.

The three of them start up after Leafwin, though not as stealthily for they practically clank.

When the Shadowy Figure stands up it see the three of them heading up the hill. In response it begins to move it’s hands in order to preform dark necromancy.

Leafwin doesn’t know what it’s doing but it makes him conscious and pulls out his bow and an arrow.

Laerna sees what he’s doing and yells out to him.


Watch out! It’s a necromancer!

Leafwin looks back at her as he is about to take another step. He ends up tripping on his bow and falls. The hill is so steep that he begins to roll down the hill at such a speed that he can’t stop himself.

Learna, Ginco, and Snarky who were in a line going up the hill, are now in Leafwin’s path.

They all get bowled over and taken down the hill with all four ending up in a pile on top of each other.

The Shadowy Figure appears to shake it’s head just before it vanishes into thin air. In his place and round the hill out of graves FIVE ZOMBIES, of the dead from the town, rise from the ground.

Leafwin is the first to regain himself. He detangles himself from Laerna , who is on top of him, and stands up. He begins to run up the hill grabbing his fallen bow as he passes it without breaking his movement.

When he is about ten feet from the zombies he starts to let off arrows in order to buy time for the others. He hits the closest zombie in the arm as the group get to their feet and rush to where Leafwin is standing.

Leafwin lets off another arrow but it goes wide of another zombie.

Ginco menages to reach him first and uses his wand to ignite the zombie Leafwin missed. It pauses for a moment as if to contemplate the fact that it is on fire but decides to continue despite it’s condition un-phased.

Ginco tries again sweeping his wand at the oncoming zombies, but nothing happens. Ginco gets frustrated and begins to violently shake his wand up and down in order to try and get the magic to come out, but once again noting happens. So he decides to look down the business end of it and it fires then strait into his face causing him to fly back, landing hard in the grass.

Laerna rushes in front of the prone Ginco and with her outstretched palm releases a beam of light that (re)kills the inflamed zombie, extinguishing it as it falls.

Snarky rushes to the closest zombie and bashes it in the head. The zombie falls to the ground but it is not dead yet. Snarky dives down after it and pummel it till it stops moving.

Leafwin puts two more arrows into an on coming zombie but it is not until Laerna blasts it with light magic that it falls.

Ginco is back up releases darker magic on a zombie who that has gained too much ground and is just in time as it falls a foot from Ginco.

Snarky gets up and rushes, as best a dwarf can, towards the next zombie. He swings with his hammer but it misses. The zombie brings up his arm to hit the unfortunate dwarf over the head, but just as it begins to move down it falls off. Both Snarky and the zombie look confused at the zombie’s shoulder where the arm just was. Snarky smiles and then bashes the zombie in the head sending it flying, re-dead.

Leafwin looks around and sees that there are no zombies left standing. He lets out a sign of exhaustion and leans on his bow.

Laerna starts to march up the hill the others follow at a distances. When she reaches the top of the hill she stops and stairs shocked at the ground. The others arrive and see what she is looking at: a freshly open grave.


What does a demon want with a grave?


I don’t know.

Gregor comes running, out of breath, towards them at the bottom of the hill. Leafwin hears him coming and turns first, the rest observe and turn to see Gregor at the bottom of the hill.


(Yelling up to them)

Father Dovan is missing!

Episode 1 part 3

Cut to:

Ext. Hermit’s House- night

The Hermit’s house is more of a shed. There is a small garden in the front that leads up to the wooden exterior that is covered with moss. The windows are dusty and cracked but still possible to see through if you were to press your nose to what passes for glass.

Gregor walks up to the door with the group in tow. He knocks, waits, but there is no answer.


Of course no one’s home, it’s a shed not a house!


It is not a shed, it’s a hut! Dirt is a hermit, he’s always home or at least close by.


(To himself)

I’d be a hermit too if my name was ‘Dirt’.

Gregor knocks again and once again there is no answer. Leafwin moves over to one of the windows and looks in.He takes a step back and points in.

Laerna notices this gesture, comes over, and looks in.

We see the inside of the house which is very plain. There is a bed in the corner with a bookcase against the wall, filled with old well loved books. Against the third wall is a small wooden desk where Dirt is slumped in his chair.

Leafwin goes to the door and turns the knob which swings in on its own. Leafwin stands there looking in.

Laerna tries to walk in past him but Leafwin puts his arm out and stops her.




He motions with his head to the floor, which is splattered with the pooled blood coming from Dirt’s body. We get a good look at the body which is sliced up many places along his body leaving long curved marks, like smiles.

Int. Hermit’s House- Continued

Both Leafwin and Laerna enter carefully stepping around the blood, towards the body. Leafwin moves right up to the corps and inspects it closely.


He’s dead.

Leafwin turns her head to look at him.



You think?


(Bluntly not noticing the sarcasm)


Laerna gives him a look, but he is not paying attention. Leafwin leans in again and pushes back a piece of Dirt’s shirt that was sliced in order to get a better view of one of the cuts.

As he touches the body it animates! Both Leafwin and Laerna jump back. Ginco and Snarky respond to their reaction by running into the room, weapons drawn.

Leafwin drops to one knee and pulls out his bow. He fires an arrow into Dirt’s chest causing Dirt to stumble sideways into Snarky who bashes him into the back wall with his sholder. Dirt peals himself off the wall and shambles forward, only to be blown back by the dark magic that comes from Ginco’s wand.

Laerna then bashes him aross his chest with her staff. Snarky finishes him by hitting him over the head with his hammer driving Dirt into the ground, creating a small crater in the wood floor.

They all take a step back recovering from the encounter. Leafwin pokes Dirt’s body with the end of his bow.


I was wrong. Now he’s dead.

Learna shoots him a look again.


Hey guys over here.

They all turn to see Ginco by the forth wall where there is a tool rack. In it there is an assortment of tools with one clearly missing.


What it is just a bunch of tools.


Yes, but he’s a grave digger…


And there’s no shovel!

Episode 1 part 2

Ext. Almsforth church of Pelor- day

The church is a large rectangular stone building with a high pointed roof and large large wooden doors with metal facets which bar the entrance of anyone with the mind to bring suffering into this holy place. They all stand before them with Gregor in front closely flanked by Ginco and Snarky. Leafwin stands in the rear trying to stay out of sight. Gregor knocks on one of the doors.

There is no answer.


I guess no one’s home.

Leafwin listens intently.


No, wait, someone comes.

No sooner did he finish the door opens and FATHER DOVEN appears.

Father Doven

Who calls? Oh Gregor, it’s you. What brings you here?


Father Doven, these travelers heard about what I saw in the graveyard last night and offered to check it out.


Gregor troubling these people with your fantasies…

Laerna steps forward and cuts Father Doven off.


Really it’s fine no trouble at all. But is that what you really believe about the strangeness in the graveyard?


Yes, yes I do. Sorry Gregor, you are a good man, but this nonsense has to stop. There are no such things as demons, zombies, or ghosts; except in our minds.

Gregor shrinks, visibly saddened by his friends’ disbelief. Ginco sees Gregor’s distress.


I saw a ghost once…

The group turns and stares at Ginco who continues.


Talked to it too but all it could say was ‘pudding’.


(Ignoring Ginco and turning to Father Doven)

So you really don’t believe that there is anything in the graveyard.

Father Doven stares directly into Laerna’s eyes.


No. I. Don’t.

There is a long silence.

Broken by Snarky who snaps his hands up so that they are adjacent to his head in claw shapes as her growls.


There’s something you’re not telling us! Quit holding back!


(With intense anger)

Do you think this is a joke!

Leafwin starts to pull out his sword in order to stab Snarky, and stop him from drawing more attention to the group, but Ginco sees him and puts his hand down to stop him.


Well thank you for your time.

With that she grabs Snarky by the arm and pulls him away as quickly as possible. The rest silently follow.

Episode 1 part 1

INT. The raven Tavern- Day

The tavern is filled with human regulars taking in their daily dose of ale after a long day of work. At the bar the BARKEEPER cleans tankards and sets them neatly behind him on the shelf. Also at the bar is GREGOR, 50, who has drawn a crowed around him as he spews frantic rantings of demons. THE CROWED laughs at Gregor’s frustration at their disbelief.

In a dark corner sits alone, with his bow and sword for company, LEAFWIN the elf, 30 looks 20. He watches the bar nursing his second ale, dressed in earthen colors, with his hood up hiding his ears. On Leafwin’s right hand there is a strip of black cloth that covers up a brand that, though the tip can be seen poking through as it runs up his middle finger.

LAERNA the half-elf, 28 looks 20,with long brown hair and brown eyes dressed in cleric robes and holding a staff; shortly followed by her traveling companion GINCO the tiefling 38, who’s ram-like horns are barely covered up by a cloak enter the bar.

Laerna walks up to the bar brushing back her hair revealing for a moment her pointed ear. Ginco walks behind trying not to draw too much attention.


Can I get you anything?


Yes two house specials please.

The Barkeeper gives Ginco a hard look and then walks into the kitchen to give the orders and shortly returns.


I swear he was all black and had… had these sparkles dancing around his head! It was black magic, black magic indeed.

The Crowd laughs at this, making Gregor more and more angry. Gregor continues his ranting.


(To Barkeeper)

Is he usually like this?


Not this bad. Things have been hard for him since his wife died, but never this bad.


Do you think he is telling the truth?


I’d like to believe him, I really would, but demons?


I see.


We should have a talk with him then.

Laerna turns her attention back to Gregor who once again receives laughs from the Crowd. Laerna moves next to Gregor at the bar with Ginco close in tow. One of the Crowd notices that part of Ginco’s horn is sticking out.

Crowd 1

Is that a tiefling!


Don’t worry he’s with me.

As she says this, Laerna sweeps her hand back to gesture to Ginco but hits him in the face causing him to fall and shatter a bar stool. This knocks off Ginco’s hood revealing to the whole bar that he is a tiefling.

The Crowd all reach for their swords. Leafin stands, draws his but keeps it at his side as he watches the scene unfold.

Laera grabs her staff defensively but doesn’t move, as both sides wait for the other to make a move.

All of a sudden SNARKY the dwarf, 30, rushes out from the kitchen and spy the shattered stool.


My stool!

He rushes over to it and begins to try and piece the splinters back together. This breaks the tension as the Barkeeper steps in.


All right that’s enough put your weapons away. Just cause he’s a tiefling doesn’t mean he eats babies or anything.

(To Ginco, concerned)

You don’t eat babies, do you?




There you have it, put those away.

The Crowd sheathes their weapons as well as Leafwin. The Crowd take their drinks and move over to a table away from the bar.


I’m Laerna, and I couldn’t help but overhear your story.


Oh that symbol, you are from the church of Ioun the church of knowledge, thank the gods you’re here. The name’s Gregor, and that was no story it was the truth!


I believe you Gregor, but can you tell me what you saw exactly.


I was in the graveyard last night…


(Whispering to Laerna)

Like normal people do.


(To Ginco)


Gregor doesn’t seem to hear and continues talking.


Then out of nowhere this demon, covered in shadow, appeared out of one of the graves. He turned and looked in my direction and I ran all the way here without looking back.




You doubt me too!


No, no it’s just highly unlikely that you saw an apparition. Most likely it was some hellion trying to vex you.




Try not to think about it any more.


See you don’t believe me. I know what I saw and it won’t be wiped from my mind so easily.


That can be arranged.

Ginco reaches out his hand to touch Gregor’s head, but Laerna catches his arm.


(To Gregor)

Then we will look into it for you.


Would you? Oh thank you, kind cleric. Thank you.


(To Ginco)

Let’s go.

Laerna pulls Ginco deeper in the bar and thrusts his hand down roughly.


What was that for? I was going to grant him his request.


Ginco, you can’t go mind wiping every civilian we come across.

Ginco visibly shrinks.


I was only trying to help.


We will, that is why we are going to take a look.

She notices that Leafwin is watching them from his dark corner.


But first, that man in the corner has been watching us this whole time.


Really? I didn’t even notice him.


He’s a ranger, perhaps he knows something about what is going on here.


But Laerna…

It is too late, Laerna starts to walk over to Leafwin’s table. Ginco sighs and follows after her.

Leafwin sees her coming over and slides his right hand under the table and out of sight. Learna slides into the seat across from Leafwin. Leafwin glares at her



Can I help you?


Actually you can. My name is Laerna and this is…


I know.

Laerna is taken aback by Leafwin’s cut off, but she regains her composure and tries again.


I’ve noticed you’ve been watching us at the bar.

Leafwin moves his hand towards his sword.


Have you?


And I was just wondering if you had anything to say about these odd apparitions.


Were you?

Ginco appears over Learna’s shoulder and glares at Leafwin, who glares back. Leafwin does not remove his eyes from Ginco.


As a matter of fact I have been noticing weird behavior amongst the birds. They leave in droves, fleeing from something.


That doesn’t sound like the end of it.
Leafwin moves his right hand into his hip bag and pulls out a dog collar covered with blood. He puts it on the table; Laerna gets a look at his hand for the first time and sees the brand poking out of the cloth. She doesn’t say anything but Leafwin notices her curiosity and turns the mark away gesturing at the collar.


I found this.

Snarky pops out of nowhere.


It’s a dog collar.

Ginco and Laerna jump back shocked.


Where did you come from?

Leafwin raises an eyebrow.


You didn’t see him? He wasn’t even hiding.


I guess I don’t take after the elves as much as I should.

Laerna pushes her hair back subconsciously revealing a pointy ear, not as sharp as Leafwin’s but enough for him to gather she has elf blood.

Leafwin gets nervous.



You are an elf?!



No, I am but half. But you must be.

Leafwin moves his hand to his sword and starts to draw it slowly so that the others do not notice.



You speak the elven tongue well.



In truth, all from books. Though I don’t get to use it much, you are the first elf I have ever met.

Leafwin relaxes, realizing she is not a threat. He notices that Ginco is watching them with suspicion.


(To Snarky)

Yes but it is not the collar that is the concern but the dog I found it on. It was all carved up, knife work, it should not have still been alive but.


Very perplexing.


So what, dogs die every day.


Did you not hear what I just said half-man, or are you as deep as you are tall.

Before anything can start between Leafwin and Snarky TWO GUARDS walk in and order drinks at the bar before they turn and survey their surroundings.

Leafwin spots them right away and becomes stiff and watchful like a deer. Laerna notices this but doesn’t understand.



What is it?

Not talking his eyes off the guards.



It is noting.

Laerna turns her attention to Ginco.


Well thin I guess we should head out then and look for something to go on before it gets too dark.


Let me come with you guys too, pleaseee.


Why? Don’t you work here?


I do; the bar keeper took me in after my seven brothers kicked me out, but what I’d rather do is hit stuff.


Do you really go into your entire back story every time someone asks you a question? And what is this about you hitting stuff?


I like to smash.

Ginco looks unsure at Snarky and rubs the back of his head in between his horns.


I’m not so sure we need to hit stuff.

Laerna is still looking at Leafwin.


Ginco neither of us have much endurance in a fight it might be beneficial if he tags along.

Snarky jumps up with excitement.


I’ll go get my things!

He runs off back into the rear room. Ginco shoots Laerna a look and she shrugs in response.

Laerna turns back to Leafwin.


What about you? We could use your help.


Laerna he doesn’t want to…

Leafwin looks over at the two guards and then cuts to Laerna. Leafwin responds surprising both of them.


Yes I’ll go, but we have to leave right now.

He stands up quickly and puts down coins to pay his tab.



But Laerna…


Gather up your things and lets head out.

Leafwin gabs his gear and starts to walk out of the tavern without looking at the two guards, who appear to be watching him leave.

Snarky runs out of the back with his huge hammer and armor on. He runs out after Leafwin closely followed by the walking duo.